An article excerpting sections of the AP-Ipsos numbers appeared on MSNBC today. Take a look
A few thoughts:
The Republican majority is slowly tying the requisite 13 knots for the noose in the rope that will hang them in the next election.
Even I, deeply cynical about that river of egotism, self-serving self-interest, money-grasping, and sheer audacity that flows through the heart of the American body politic, am astonished at the constant uncovering of dastardly deeds by this administration. Not to mention the dastardly deeds of passivity and inaction by the minority party...
As an aside, what further lows of audacity will we learn about this president who stated that he'd fire anyone found to have leaked the Plame info...while he himself apparently "leaked" it? (His exact words: "Let me just say something about leaks in Washington. There are too many leaks of classified information in Washington. There's leaks at the executive branch; there's leaks in the legislative branch. There's just too many leaks. And if there is a leak out of my administration, I want to know who it is. And if the person has violated law, the person will be taken care of." After this one, it is hard to believe that anyone can continue to hold onto a view of Bush, et al, as leaders concerned about the national security of this country with the latest revelations?)
But, I digress.
Today, I question the Democratic stance of the last 6 years.
I've been aghast at the passivity of the Dems...aghast and, yes, disgusted, angry, appalled, etc etc. Not that I expect the Dems to diverge too far from the beaten path of "the Beltway process"... but they've barely even expressed the usual self-serving self-interest one would expect of politicians. Worse, by modeling craven inaction, they've sent a message to the populace that this sort of behavior - wait and see while the killing continues - is acceptable.
Now I’m wondering if the Democrats were politically astute in waiting, apparently gagged and hog-tied by inaction and indecisiveness, while the Republican admin and majority screwed all of us? Did the Dems suspect this freefall of the Bush Admin was coming? Did they know that it was just a matter of time… and that all they had to do was wait?
Would it make me feel any better about the Dems if this was the case?
No. No. And No.
After 6 years of inaction and cowardice the world has over 2350 American dead, 1000s and 1000s of American youth wounded in the most horrifying ways, over 100,000 Iraqi dead, 1000s and 1000s of Iraqis wounded in ways the average American will never learn about (ditto not knowing about the damage wrought by the sanctions against Iraq of the 1990s), families all over the world mourning the terrible tragedies that are Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom, and a foreboding that the Bush regime is overseeing the beginning of a violent and dangerous direction that will engulf the entire world.
Whether by design or not, the Democratic party has fiddled, passively, impotently, and cynically, while the rest of us burn.
Fie on the Dems, fie, fie, fie.
May the people throw out both parties. More to the point, may the mothers, particularly, learn how we and, by extension, our children, are manipulated by politicians and their proxies.
May we rise up as one against the system that uses our children as trigger fingers for a corrupt foreign policy...and against the children of other mothers who are, essentially, in the same position as we are: watching cynical politicians destroy the health of our children and our communities.
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